Friday, January 14, 2011

First day of Preschool!

Leo started Preschool on January 4th! He was so excited to go, until he got there and learned there were no John Deere Tractor puzzles.....but when I came back to pick him up he said he had a great time and was all smiles!

Big Boy!

Baby Albie is getting so big! I can't believe he's 4 months old already!

Grandpa Neil takes Leo for a little ride!

Lucas is obsessed with the moon, so Jessi, Christopher and Eli got him a moon light that hangs on the wall! It is his most favorite present EVER! He wouldn't even open any other gifts, he carried that moon around all day!
Merry Christmas!

A few Christmas pics!

Too busy playing and putting together new toys on Christmas morning to even look at mommy for a picture!

Santa Visits!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Let It Snow!

Finally up to date on my pictures! Albie will be 12 weeks old this week, where has the time gone! I can't believe how big he has gotten in such a short amount of time! He is so happy and laid back, as you can tell! We had a little photo session while the other boys played in the snow!

Daddy and Albie worn out after a big snow day!

My little thumb sucker!

Leo's cheeks were so red, he would have spent all day outside!

Thanksgiving Day!

Halloween Pictures!