Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Nothing new to post, just trying to add stuff to the blog when i should be taking a siesta. I am so not smart with computers, but i guess i will figure it out eventually. Anyone else sick of the winter that never ends.........WE ARE! I couldn't even leave my driveway if i tried, the drift is taller than Leo. Keep dreaming of sunny beaches and the weather will get better, so i keep telling myself. I am going to run out the essentials for daily living if i don't leave the house soon. HAPPY WEDNESDAY!

Monday, February 8, 2010

And BABY makes 3!!!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

I am proud to say that today is day 6 of POTTY TRAINING, and it is going surprisingly well! Leo is telling me everytime he has to go and he is being such a big boy about it. I thought this day would never come! Its so nice that the diaper expense will be cut in half! Lucas will be potty trained soon because he now spends half of his day in the bathroom with us!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Darren thinks its time for a haircut but i can't stand to cut the curls!

It's like a Where's Waldo picture, only Where is Baby Lucas

Waiting for Daddy.........and warm weather!:)

The innocent look of a baby! It doesn't last long!

I have decided to start blogging in order on keep in touch with all of you more easliy and let you see how much the boys are growing! They are getting big so fast! ENJOY!

Sweet Leo!