Thursday, March 18, 2010

Warmer Weather!

Lucas could easily sleep in that swing!

Last night after bath, I was trying to wrestle them both down to put on pajamas, which any more is a chore in itself, and Lucas escaped with a towel around him. Leo thought it was the funniest thing he had ever seen. He was laughing so hard, he peed his pants, and then laughed even harder because the thought of laughing that hard actually made him pee. Silly little man!

Looking so innocent.......but always guilty of something

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Indoor Fun!

We took the kiddos to the church on Staley road with the indoor playground! They had such a good time and the definately needed to run off some energy. Lucas was happy to have another date with baby Anna Hammond!


Mommy's Little Helper!

The Boys!

We will be having Eli stay with us for a few months! It's so nice that Leo and Lucas have someone to play with besides me! Lucas tries so hard to be a big boy like them!
We had a little party to kick off the big Daytona Nascar season! Here are the boys enjoying the sunday race!