Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Leo is pretty sneaky, he is always trying to get bites of Lucas's cookies when he is finished with his!
We have been so busy this summer, it has been since April since I have posted pictures of the boys. I think I have caught up now on my posting, so enjoy the pics from all summer! It is August 24th already and I have about 4 weeks until Baby # 3 arrives, so I need to be better about posting updated photos! Where has the time gone! Leo and Lucas share a room now, and although most nights with them together is a circus, they are getting used to being together. The nursery is all in order and awaits the new baby! Leo tells me he is going to have another brother but we will see! The Chaos Continues at the Suits House! :)

Naked baby shopping!

Tired little baby!

Leo is constantly telling me to snap shots of him and Baby Lucas!

Story time with Grandma Diane

My little farmer boy!

The boys with Big Bud at the I & I Tractor Show!

Lucas gets his first haircut!

I could no longer deny that is was time for a haricut! I don't know who was more upset about the whole thing, Lucas or me!

Somedays are just Bliss!

Happy 4th! July 2010

Spaghetti Night is their FAVORITE!

Who needs toys when there's TUPPERWARE

Summer Fun! June 2010

This year was a WONDERFUL pool year! We spent LOTS of time at Grandpa Neil and Grandma Dianes house swimming!

Grants Farm, May 2010

Grants Farm, St. Louis

Lucas would have stayed all day in the goat pen, he loves animals! Leo wasn't so sure, he didn't really want them to touch him!

St. Louis Zoo

Glad we decided to go to St. Louis in May, but it was still HOT!

More St. Louis Pictures

Trip to St. Louis in May 2010

Our little mechanic
Magic House was a BLAST!

Lucas was not impressed
Leo is content on the ride to St. Louis, as long as he had his headphones, sunglasses and snacks!

Packing for our trip!